This page provides a general overview of the soil related issues facing the Western Central Qld area focussing on sites within the 600 - 700 rainfall band.

This “traffic light” system is a quick and easy way of identifying possible soil constraints to production and formulating management strategies to combat these issues.

For each soil quality indicator, a series of critical values have been applied relating to impacts on production and/or soil quality in general. An indication of red implies a high risk of production impacts and the need to investigate management options urgently. An amber colour implies a moderate risk of production impacts and should be investigated further, while green implies low risk, however regular monitoring should continue.

In grouping these traffic lights together, we have provided means of identifying relevant soil production constraints to local growers. Please refer to our factsheet section for management options.

Biological Indicators
Total Organic Carbon
Traffic Light not Applicable
Traffic Light not Applicable
Carbon Stock
Traffic Light not Applicable
Microbial Biomass Carbon
Soil Nitrogen Supply
Chemical Indicators
Electrical Conductivity
Nitrogen Stock
Traffic Light not Applicable
pH (Water)
Traffic Light not Applicable
Traffic Light not Applicable
Physical Indicators
Traffic Light not Applicable
Bulk Density