
The green manure calculator provides a comparison of relative benefits between a green manure phase and a grain crop within a defined rotational sequence. Results provide an indication of economic costs and benefits based on variable inputs.

The wheat yield potential calculator provides an estimate of rainfall limited grain yield, and is based on a modified version of the French and Schultz (1984) calculation.

Economic analysis of long term stubble burning verses stubble retention trials shows that there is a significant economic benefit to retaining stubble.

The ability to increase soil carbon levels is limited by the amount of biomass being returned to soil each year. This calculator estimates how much biomass and carbon is required to increase total organic carbon values by 0.05%, 0.1% or 1.0% in different soils.


The lime cost calculator allows you to compare the total cost (lime, freight and spreading) per hectare for the equivalent of 100% neutralising value (NV) of lime.

This calculator provides a simple means of determining economic benefits of lime application. It requires the user to make informed estimates of yield change across a ten year period.


This calculator was developed to provide the means to assess the likely benefits of adopting controlled traffic farming on your property.

Meaningful use of soil test results relies on an adjustment of values for gravel and bulk density. Adding the gravel content back into soil test results tends to “dilute” results, and adjusting for bulk density allows you to determine nutrient levels on a per hectare basis.

Many soils in southern Australia are prone to non-wetting and recent trials have shown the benefits of using a mould board plough or spader every 10 years has lifted yields by burying non-wetting top soils to depths of 20 cm or more. Benefits include alleviating non-wetting soil, burying of weed seeds, loosening of the soil, and incorporating lime to depth.


A gross margin is the difference from the income minus your input costs. It is a measure of an enterprises contribution to a business. Gross margins are a base tool with many uses, ideal for testing assumptions, from profitability of different crops through to assisting in determining the value you are prepared to pay for a lease or purchase. They are also ideal for testing planned changes in management regimes, including those on soil health.

Soil Quality Calculators

This section is designed to give you a basic understanding of different strategies that may present options for management change on your farm. They are useful in determining the value of a change in paddock management (e.g. green/brown manuring, or controlled traffic farming), effectiveness of liming products, potential wheat yield based on rainfall, or simply to determine your ability to alter soil carbon levels.

Each calculator is listed on the left with a brief description below. Click on the title of the one that interests you to access the calculator.